
Up and Running

I have INTERNET!!!....on MY computer!!!....with all MY pictures and favorites! :)   Yes, it's sad how spoiled and dependent I am on my computer. It's not like it's this cutting-edge piece of equipment that I paid thousands for or that it does crazy, newly advanced stuff.  It's just a normal 7-8 year old computer that has all my stuff on it. Since we are now moved in with my in-laws, I need something that is mine and reminds me of our lives before we took the plunge to making our dream home a reality. It's been a hard transition for me, so being able to escape to my blog will be nice. So I will probably be posting a lot more.

A lot has happened in the last month.  We have moved all of our belongings to either a family member's house or our outdoor storage building.  We have stripped, torn down, burned, and buried our old house and barn; moved into my in-laws; and just yesterday the walk-out basement was dug!  After no activity for a good 2 weeks, I was dying for the something...anything to happen.  When I get more time, I will post pictures.  Hopefully, (weather permitting) the concrete forms will be laid tomorrow and they will pour concrete on Thursday.  There will be no stopping it then!  I can't wait to see how much it changes day-to-day!  I started this blog in hopes to chronical our journey to building our dream home.  I want to be able to look back one day and have a visual reminder of where we started and to be grateful for everything in our lives.  Next time: Basement walls! :)