
Out with the old, In with the new

I'm finally getting pictures up of the demolition of our old house. We had some awesome friends and family come over one Saturday and help us pretty much gut the house and strip the outside. That aluminum siding is worth some money! It'll help us pay for some extras we are putting into the new house. :)  This was an interesting day for me. I took my lunch hour at about 1pm to come see the house being torn down. I wasn't sure if I would cry or smile or how I'd feel. When it came time, I didn't cry but I didn't really feel excited. As I was heading back to work, my stomach felt a little uneasy like when you get butterflies as you are going to give a speech or something. More than anything, I was nervous about the future...hoping we were making the right decision because we were homeless now and we only could push forward now.
 This is the 1st hit with the excavater. There was no going back at that point!
 Here is what you would see from the road if you were driving by at this point...and we did have a couple curious spectators. The blue room on the left was our bedroom....r.i.p. bedroom :( The room on the right was what we called "The Dungeon." It was another bedroom that we left "as is" and used for storage. If you look closely you can see what was left of the half a century old wallpaper covered in water stains.  
 Within a half hour of when they took the first hit on the house, it was up in flames. Our deck's still holding strong though!
Who woulda ever thought an old, crooked, dirty house in flames could be so pretty?

Well, our first house as a married couple is burned and the remains are buried in our backyard. It was a little bittersweet, but we both know it will be worth all the stress in the end. We now have the starts of a new house!