
First Floor

Here is a look at our first floor....

 This is the front of the house looking from the road.

 A view from behind. It's already looking big and we still have another story to put on.

 Here is a look at the garage. We upgraded to an 18 ft rather than a 16 ft garage door. Although we had to pay a change fee (that my husband negotiated down since we were still in the basement faze at the time), it will be worth it to have a little extra space between vehicles. 

 This is the entrance into the kitchen from garage hallway area...if that makes any sense. I wanted a hallway that went from the garage to our bedroom without having to walk on carpet, since it can get pretty messy in the country. Also, I asked for this doorway into the kitchen without having to go through the main entrance through the living room which will be carpeted. Nope, still doesn't make any sense. :(  I guess it's just one of those things where you have to be there. Maybe more pictures will help....

This is the angle from the nook/dining room that looks back at the great room. Just barely out of the picture on the right is that doorway I was talking about that led into the kitchen. Our master bedroom is on the far left of the picture. And that big hole in the center of the picture is where the stairs will be located.

Well it's been a exciting, stressful journey so far. Once the concrete was poured, the house framing went up fast. They had a story framed a day. So Yes, the 2nd story is done, but it went so fast I haven't had time to journal about it. In less than a weeks time, it looked like what I had drawn on paper so many years ago. Our dreams are becoming a reality! :)

"Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true."  ~Leon J. Suenes