
The Basement

After a couple of weeks of waiting for equipment to arrive from another job site, concrete forms to arrive from another state, and the weather to cooperate, we finally have a basement.....
 We are having a walk-out basement, so this is the view from behind looking towards the road.
 They poured the footers. 

Then put up the forms and poured the walls for the basement.
The next day they removed the forms and poured the basement floor. We were a little excited to see all of this happening so fast - if you can't tell by my husband's reaction in the middle of the picture - considering it had been over a month since we had torn down the old house.
Then we went over to see if any progress had been made and saw this. They had basically built us a basement! When they work, they work fast and get alot done!

We are praying for some nice days, so that the builders can work on our house and the farmers can get in the fields to produce enough for this world. We hope the rest of the building process goes a little smoother and little faster so that we can move out of my in-laws and get our - much needed - own space. Everyday I try to remind myself to be patient and be grateful for the chance to be building a new home on a beautiful piece of land. We have been very fortunate and will strive to be thankful for every opportunity and thing we have been given. I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings! :)